Event Application
<Special T Group Events has developed its event application as a series of simple questions which will allow their staff to develop an understanding of the details of your event. This information will be vital in determining your needs and the potential merchandise sales, capture rate and average transaction amount of your event.
Event Application
<Once the event application has been submitted, all information will be verified. Based on this information our algorithm searches our historical database for events that are similar in type, caliber, participant demographics and location to determine the financial viability of your event.
An event score is determined, and our rating system uses this score as well as a number of other factors to propose acceptance of your event. Upon acceptance of your event this information is used to determine the details of the offer to be presented.
Event Application
<STGE calls it an offer because it’s just that, an offer. We realize that there are many aspects of your event to be considered. By understanding your event needs we can propose an offer to fulfill those needs, to the best of our abilities.
STGE’s offer may include the following incentives listed below:
Click a section to view details:
Event Application
<STGE will create a custom contract for your event, we realize that not all events share the same parameters so we don’t boiler plate our contracts. We ensure that your organizations individual needs and concerns are addressed with our customized contract.
Event Application
<The Art Portal is an interactive online canvas where your Event Art Liaison will register, and select an artist for your event by reviewing their uploaded art portfolios. Once you have registered, the Art Liaison can describe elements and upload images, to help transfer their vision for creating the event(s) completed by the artist.
Each step of the way a proof will be sent showing the design and opening a virtual and visual dialogue between the Event Art Liaison and the artist, a complete online log file will trace all changes requested and completed by artist.
Most importantly the final approval of all designs can only happen by your Event Art Liaison period.
Event Application
<Using STGE’s custom developed software, an online web store will be created specifically for your event. To maximize pre-event sales STGE will link your event’s web store directly to your event website allowing customers to shop online prior to the event. Their purchases can either be shipped to them so they can arrive at the event wearing their apparel or picked up at one of our sales venues during the event. Your web store can be used in multiple languages and currencies.
It’s as easy as selecting your garment, selecting the desired design and placement and you’re done.
Event Application
<Our wholesale pricing is designed to allow retailers to sell your event merchandise prior to the event, building community support and branding. Teams participating at your event can also receive our wholesale pricing on their team orders when referred to us by your organization.
Should your event require customized merchandise, STGE’s wholesale division will source and design these items for you. Whether it is coffee mugs, lanyards, volunteer or support apparel or anything in between we will ensure the best wholesale pricing available based on your required quantities.
Event Application
<STGE has developed customizable on-site sales venue which can be adapted to any shape, size, or area available. Our professionally designed sales venues not only look great, but they have been designed with function in mind. Our highly trained staff are able to efficiently process sales transaction in order to maximize sales capture rates and increase the average dollar per transaction. This all translates to achieving higher sales levels and more commission revenue for your event.
Event Application
<STGE will produce a full color brochure for your event to be included in your participant registration packages. Each of these brochures will include the products, designs, slogans and pricing of merchandise available during your event.
This is a unique way to communicate our offerings to the participants during and after the event as well as other useful information such as the venue locations, our hours of operation and the online web store address for post-event sales and re-orders.
Event Application
<Even if a participant has missed an opportunity to make a purchase during the event, the event web store will remain open for online orders for up to 6 months after your event has ended. Building on the success of your event, during the post event sales period, all sales orders received during this period continue to add to commissions paid to your organization.
Event Application
<STGE desires to be transparent through the whole event life cycle, for events who choose to be paid on a commission basis, the event contact will be sent an email link showing sales by venue by day. This report will also include the earned commission up to the minute as each of our sales booths are equipped with point of sale tablets which upload live sales data.
Step 1.Email will be sent to “Event Contact”.
Step 2.Event contact uses the hyperlink provided to access STGE’s website to view live event sales revenue summary report.
Each sales venue is equipped with point of sales tablets which record all sales transactions and uploads this data to a central data base to be viewed live when internet connections available.

Wholesale sales are defined as outlets that are willing to have a P.O.P (Point Of Purchase display), at their retail outlet, they may receive wholesale pricing allowing them to make revenue and promote event.
Custom Order are orders received from teams or businesses which include their company or team logo put on with official event logo (spirit wear)
Event Application
<The obligation of an organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property.
STGE’s typical reporting schedule is presented below, but we can customize our reporting function to meet your needs. The agreed upon reporting schedule will be included in our custom contract developed for your event.
– 60 Days Prior to Event (Web Sales-Custom Sales -Wholesale Sales)
– 07 Days Prior to Event (Web Sales-Custom Sales -Wholesale Sales)
– Daily During the course of the event
– 07 Days Post Event (Web Sales-Custom Sales -Wholesale Sales)
– 14 Days Post Event (Web Sales-Custom Sales -Wholesale Sales)
– 60 Days Post Event (Web Sales-Custom Sales -Wholesale Sales)
– 90 Days Post Event (Web Sales-Custom Sales -Wholesale Sales)